
Bascom World
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28 May 2011, 2:48 pm

Standar minimal pelayanan yang dibuat Pemerintah bagi Kabupaten/Kota dalam membrikan pelayanan program KB dan KS kepada masyarakat di wilayahnya

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Baca Selengkapnya - Bascom World: STANDAR PELAYANAN MINIMAL (SPM) BIDANG KB & KS

Bascom World: STEREOTYPE


Bascom World
All about Healthy Education: Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Asuhan Kebidanan, Asuhan Keperawatan, Teori Kesehatan, Kumpulan Tips Kesehatan, Bisnis Online, Leaflet Kesehatan, Info Penyakit, Obat Tradisional, informasi terbaru, free download dll.

28 May 2011, 2:48 pm

Cara baku yang melekat pada peran, fungsi dan tanggung jawab yang membedakan antara laki-laki dan perempuan dalam keluarga dan masyarakat

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Baca Selengkapnya - Bascom World: STEREOTYPE

Bascom World: STERIL (CUCI HAMA)


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28 May 2011, 2:49 pm

Bebas dari organisasi hidup

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Baca Selengkapnya - Bascom World: STERIL (CUCI HAMA)



Bascom World
All about Healthy Education: Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Asuhan Kebidanan, Asuhan Keperawatan, Teori Kesehatan, Kumpulan Tips Kesehatan, Bisnis Online, Leaflet Kesehatan, Info Penyakit, Obat Tradisional, informasi terbaru, free download dll.

28 May 2011, 2:48 pm

Suatu kaidah dan atau persyaratan bersifat baku berisi ukuran/besaran ketentuan umum minimal yang harus dipenuhi dalam mengadakan alat/sarana maupun cara kerja, sebagai upaya untuk menghasilkan suatu produk kerja dalam memberikan pelayanan

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Baca Selengkapnya - Bascom World: STANDARISASI KERJA

Bascom World: STOLSEL


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All about Healthy Education: Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Asuhan Kebidanan, Asuhan Keperawatan, Teori Kesehatan, Kumpulan Tips Kesehatan, Bisnis Online, Leaflet Kesehatan, Info Penyakit, Obat Tradisional, informasi terbaru, free download dll.

28 May 2011, 2:49 pm

Bekuan darah

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Baca Selengkapnya - Bascom World: STOLSEL

Musix mix: Daler Mehndi – Halla Bol (dhan Dhana Dhan Goal) Song Review


Musix mix
Music News and Reference

Daler Mehndi – Halla Bol (dhan Dhana Dhan Goal) Song Review
28 May 2011, 5:14 am

Daler mehndi has minted various back to back bollywood hit tracks. Daler is a master piece his music always garners excellent reviews. He surely knows how to rule the charts with his music. The bhangrasinger treated he audience with a sporty track “Halla Bol”. Song proved a blissful treat for fan base craving hard for fresh genres. Dalers vocals have reflected the inner sentiments of the protagonists beautifully with spirit of sportsmanship. This hot shot pulsating track has added another made significant presence again in sports centric movie Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal with his song “Halla bol”. The song is high on music quotient. The song is an effervescently composed has heart throbbing wordings that boost spirit of sportsmanship with tinge. The song depicts the animated sporty spirit of enthused footballers who are all set to rule the football field with their skill and zeal. Pritam’s vigorously punched orchestration has loud Punjabi “dhols” mixed with perfection to European stylized Bagpiper sounds. He has played an important role in getting bhangra music recognized all over the world.

Daler’s presence in the song has created mass hysteria and fans loved every bit of it. The Daler Mehandi song Halla Bol is an added poise to the album and is a good high spirited song to hear. The ‘bhangra’ based dance track is highly rhythmic and is very infectious and appealing and surely spice up the proceedings in the film and serve to lighten the highly volatile drama. A number that has become an anthem for all sports teams that go on tours with the message of conquering hearts and winning the love and confidence of all, which is conveyed effectively and in a very entertaining manner, through the best possible medium, song! “Halla Bol, Aage Dol, Karta Jaa, Goal Pe Goal…”, the loud scout-march of football brigade is all set to blaze sporty passions on music charts. Impressive Pritam Chakraborty belts out another vociferously passionate youthful album DHAN DHANA DHAN…GOAL with a sport centric theme.

Like CHAK DE INDIA, it’s primarily focused on the glowing spirited cheer-ups, moral-boosting boyish turbulence with dash of “Billo” stylized “item song” dancing track The burly Sardar from India rocked the world with his infectious dance steps, highly energetic music that not only had melody, catchy words but contagious rhythm. The most unique part about Daler’s music was that it was pan genre, loved by all age groups, a complete package of Pure Entertainment. MTV’s VP Marketing had commented on Daler as “An Artist who tames the classes and the masses at the same time with such artistic élan that is not only unique but highly rare and completely original. Released in 1995 Bolo Ta Ra Ra was the turning point in not only Daler’s career but also brought in a “Pop Era” for the Indian Music Industry.

The album not only established Daler as a POP STAR but also laid the foundation for Bhangra pop to emerge at what it is today. The nation that was only exposed to Bollywood Music or Bhakti Music got a new genre “Pop” and the pioneer of Indian Pop Music was “Daler Mehndi” who gave the Nation an anthem – “Bolo Ta Ra Ra”. “Bolo Ta Ra Ra” was launched as a regional album for sale in a northern state (Punjab) of India but it broke all possible boundaries of land, language, culture, country, age groups, genre etc., by selling over 20 million copies in a “Malayalam” speaking state “Kerala” (Southern Indian State) within a week of its launch. Daler Mehndi had arrived & in what a way! He became the Sound of the Nation. Daler Mehndi’s power pitched vocals captured the hearts of millions, he fused rustic Indian melodies with energetic beats. A sound completely new yet giving a feeling of a known territory. Words that belonged to a language from India yet as though new! completely unheard of, but seeming easy and catchy as though one’s own – this combo of old and new, known and unknown, folk and western is what became the USP of Daler’s Music.

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Baca Selengkapnya - Musix mix: Daler Mehndi – Halla Bol (dhan Dhana Dhan Goal) Song Review Kumis Kucing

KTI SKRIPSI KEBIDANAN KEPERAWATAN kumpulan koleksi karya tulis ilmiah kuliah bidan akbid asuhan judul skripsi kti kebidanan contoh proposal artikel terbaru 2009 2010 termurah download free gratis pdf d3 d-3 d iii iv D III lengkap tentang kehamilan persalinan menopause kb bblr inisiasi menyusui dini imunisasi asi eksklusif nifas postpartum contoh judul proposal skripsi tugas akhir s1 keperawatan terbaru ui anak keluarga bedah gerontik pdf kti karya tulis ilmiah diploma 3 d3 keperawatan pembuatan

Kumis Kucing
27 May 2011, 7:20 pm

Kumis kucing (Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS) berbentuk semak, batangnya basah, tingginya bisa mencapai 1,5 meter itu. Bisa tumbuh di tempat yang kering maupun basah pada ketinggian 700 meter di atas permukaan laut, tanaman ini memiliki daun berbentuk telur taji, tepi daunnya bergerigi kasar. Bunganya mengeluarkan benang sari dan putik berwarna putih atau ungu. Masyarakat menggunakan Daun kumis kucing basah maupun kering digunakan sebagai bahan obat yang memperlancar pengeluaran air kemih (diuretik), mengobati rematik. batuk encok, masuk angin dan sembelit. Disamping itu daun tanaman ini juga bermanfaat untu pengobatan radang ginjal, batu ginjal, kencing manis, albuminuria, dan penyakit syphilis.

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Baca Selengkapnya - Kumis Kucing 10 Hal yang harus dihindari setelah makan

KTI SKRIPSI KEBIDANAN KEPERAWATAN kumpulan koleksi karya tulis ilmiah kuliah bidan akbid asuhan judul skripsi kti kebidanan contoh proposal artikel terbaru 2009 2010 termurah download free gratis pdf d3 d-3 d iii iv D III lengkap tentang kehamilan persalinan menopause kb bblr inisiasi menyusui dini imunisasi asi eksklusif nifas postpartum contoh judul proposal skripsi tugas akhir s1 keperawatan terbaru ui anak keluarga bedah gerontik pdf kti karya tulis ilmiah diploma 3 d3 keperawatan pembuatan

10 Hal yang harus dihindari setelah makan
27 May 2011, 7:22 pm

Kita tentu sepakat bahwa kesehatanmerupakan aset terbesar yang kita miliki dalam hidup ini. Tanpa kesehatan maka aktifitas apapun pastinya tak akan dapat dilakukan dengan baik. Makanan yang sehat adalah salah satu penunjang terjaganya kebugaran tubuh ini. Namun ada beberapa hal yang seringkali tidak kita sadari dari aktivitas kita setelah makan yang sebenarnya dapat membahayakan kesehatan kita. Dalam artikel ini kurang lebih ada 10 point yang harus kita perhatikan betul agar makanan yang kita konsumsi mampu memberikan manfaat yang optimal terhadap kerja tubuh kita.

1. Minum air dingin
Byk tdk disadari, suhu dingin akibat es yg berkondesasi dgn air dpt membekukan makanan, terutama yg mengandung minyak (lemak akan terbekukan). Hingga pd akhir.a lemak itu bisa tertimbun dlm usus dan mngakibatkan penyempitan saluran-saluran pencernaan dan brujung pd kegemukan. Nah, untuk itu mulai saat ini cobalah ganti air es yg biasa Anda minum dgn minum air hangat.

2. Makan buah-buahan
Stelah makanan masuk ke lambung, lambung membutuhkan waktu 1-2 jam untuk mencerna, jika stelah makan lalu menyantap buah, maka buah akan terhambat oleh makanan yg telah lebih dulu disantap, akibat.a buah-buahan tdk bisa tercerna secara normal. Jika brlangsung lama, akan mnyebabkan gejala perut kembung, diare atau susah buang air besar dan asam lambung berlebih.

3. Minum teh
Hal ini dpt mengencerkan getah lambung, akibat.a mempengaruhi pencernaan makanan. Selain itu, daun teh byk mengandung tanin (asam tanat), jika minum teh shabis makan, akan membuat protein yg blm sempat dicerna lambung menyatu dgn asam tanat dan membentuk sedimen yg tdk mudah dicerna, sehingga mempengaruhi serapan protein. Teh jg dpt menghambat serapan zat besi, jika keadaan demikian berlangsung lama dpt terjadi gejala anemia krna kurang zat besi.

4. Merokok
Bahaya merokok shabis makan lebih besar 10 kali lipat dibanding hari-hari biasa! Ini dikrnakan peredaran darah pd saluran pencernaan shabis makan meningkat, akibat.a sejumlah besar kandungan dlm rokok yg tidak baik bagi kesehatan diserap, sehingga bisa merusak hati, otak besar dan pembuluh darah jantung dan jg menyebabkan penyakit lain.a pd aspek-aspek terkait ini.

5. Mengendorkan ikat pinggang
Mengendorkan ikat pinggang stelah makan, meskipun terasa lebih nyaman, tp hal tersebut dpt mngakibatkan turun.a tekanan dlm rongga perut, yg memaksa lambung turun. Jika kebiasan tersebut trus dilakukan, maka akan benar-benar mengidap penyakit lambung turun atau menyebabkan usus terbelit dan terblokir.

6. Mandi
Volume aliran darah pd permukaan tubuh akan meningkat, dan volume aliran darah pd saluran usus dan lambung akan berkurang, sehingga membuat fungsi pencernaan usus lambung melemah, dan mnyebabkan pencernaan buruk.

7. Olahraga
Meningkat.a volume gerak tubuh dpt mempengaruhi saluran pencernaan terhadap serapan gizi. Terutama manula, fungsi jantung melemah, penyempitan pembuluh darah, byk berjalan stelah makan akan timbul gejala tekanan darah menurun dan gejala-gejala lain.a.

8. Berkaraoke
Stelah makan isi lambung kita membesar, dinding lambung menjadi tipis, volume aliran darah meningkat, saat demikian, brnyanyi dpt membuat sekat ronga badan pindah ke bawah, beban rongga perut bertambah, jika ringan akan mnyebabkan pencernaan buruk, dan jika berat maka dapat mnyebabkan gangguan pd lambung dan gejala penyakit lain.a.

9. Mengemudikan kendaraan
Rawan trjadi kecelakaan jika shabis makan kmudian menjalankan kendaraan. Ini dikarenakan sehabis makan lambung dan usus membutuhkan sejumlah besar darah dlm mencerna makanan, yg mengakibatkan organ otak besar kekurangan darah untuk sementara waktu, dgn dmikian hal ini dpt mnyebabkan kesalahan operasional dlm brkendaraan.

10. Langsung tidur
Satu hal yg plg sulit untuk dihindari adalah rasa kantuk stelah makan. Apalagi jika makanan yang baru saja dikonsumsi sangat memuaskan perut dalam arti lain sangat mngenyangkan. Namun, cobalah untuk tdk mengikuti rasa kantuk Anda. Tidur stelah makan membuat makanan tdk dpt dicerna secara baik. Akibat.a, usus mengalami kembung dan terjadi peradangan.

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Baca Selengkapnya - 10 Hal yang harus dihindari setelah makan Mahkota Dewa

KTI SKRIPSI KEBIDANAN KEPERAWATAN kumpulan koleksi karya tulis ilmiah kuliah bidan akbid asuhan judul skripsi kti kebidanan contoh proposal artikel terbaru 2009 2010 termurah download free gratis pdf d3 d-3 d iii iv D III lengkap tentang kehamilan persalinan menopause kb bblr inisiasi menyusui dini imunisasi asi eksklusif nifas postpartum contoh judul proposal skripsi tugas akhir s1 keperawatan terbaru ui anak keluarga bedah gerontik pdf kti karya tulis ilmiah diploma 3 d3 keperawatan pembuatan

Mahkota Dewa
27 May 2011, 7:16 pm

Dunia tanaman obat kini kedatangan pendatang baru yang lumayan hebat. Mahkota dewa namanya. Ia bisa membuat penderita penyakit ringan macam gatal-gatal, pegal-pegal, atau flu, hingga penyakit berat seperti kanker dan diabetes,merasakan kesembuhan. Menanam mahkota dewa memang bukan perkara sulit. Tumbuhan, yang bisa hidup baik pada ketinggian 10 – 1.000 m dpl., ini bisa ditanam dari biji atau hasil cangkokan. Meski penanamannya bisa di dalam pot atau langsung di tanah, pertumbuhannya akan lebih baik bila ditanam di tanah. Tanaman dari biji biasanya sudah berbuah pada umur 10 – 12 bulan. Yang berasal dari cangkokan, mestinya berbuah lebih cepat.

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Baca Selengkapnya - Mahkota Dewa 9 tips mengatasi stress di tempat kerja

KTI SKRIPSI KEBIDANAN KEPERAWATAN kumpulan koleksi karya tulis ilmiah kuliah bidan akbid asuhan judul skripsi kti kebidanan contoh proposal artikel terbaru 2009 2010 termurah download free gratis pdf d3 d-3 d iii iv D III lengkap tentang kehamilan persalinan menopause kb bblr inisiasi menyusui dini imunisasi asi eksklusif nifas postpartum contoh judul proposal skripsi tugas akhir s1 keperawatan terbaru ui anak keluarga bedah gerontik pdf kti karya tulis ilmiah diploma 3 d3 keperawatan pembuatan

9 tips mengatasi stress di tempat kerja
27 May 2011, 7:20 pm

Hal-hal ini dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan fisik dan mental seperti : depresi, gelisah, gugup, tidak dapat fokus untuk waktu yang lama dan keletihan yang berkepanjangan. Jika ada hal-hal diatas yang anda rasakan …. hmmm, saya rasa anda perlu segera merubah aktivitas anda sehari-hari baik di tempat kerja maupun di hidup anda secara keseluruhan.

Berikut adalah 9 tips mengatasi stress di tempat kerja :
  1. Rencanakan dengan baik aktivitas anda : apa, mengapa, bagaimana, kapan dan siapa yang bertanggung jawab terhadap tugas-tugas. Penting sekali untuk membuat perencanaan bukan hanya jangka panjang tapi juga jangka pendek (rencana bulanan, rencana harian).
  2. Pastinya anda di masa lalu pernah mengalami masalah-masalah di tempat kerja. Coba ingat-ingat kembali adakah cara-cara yang dapat anda gunakan untuk mengatasi masalah yang anda hadapi saat ini
  3. Ikutlah membangun iklim kerja yang menyenangkan, yaitu dengan bersikap terbuka dan berkomunikasi dengan sesama rekan kerja.
  4. Pastikan anda mengerti terhadap tugas dan tanggung jawab anda, serta jangan ragu untuk bertanya.
  5. Lakukan beberapa kali break untuk beberapa menit selama anda bekerja. Santai dan JANGAN MELAKUKAN APAPUN. Ambil nafas dalam-dalam.
  6. Miliki sikap toleransi kepada sesama rekan kerja. Ingatlah bahwa masing-masing orang adalah pribadi yang unik, sebagai contoh : beberapa orang justru berprestasi lebih baik di bawah tekanan sementara sebagian yang lain membutuhkan waktu lebih banyak untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaannya.
  7. Delegasikan sebagian tanggung jawab anda kepada anak buah anda.
  8. Pertahankan semangat tim anda, misalnya dengan melakukan perayaan-perayaan kecil, berolahraga atau berekreasi bersama
  9. Sediakan lingkungan kerja yang baik. Minimalkan gangguan-gangguan seperti suara, ventilasi, cahaya dan suhu

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Baca Selengkapnya - 9 tips mengatasi stress di tempat kerja Bunga Rosela

KTI SKRIPSI KEBIDANAN KEPERAWATAN kumpulan koleksi karya tulis ilmiah kuliah bidan akbid asuhan judul skripsi kti kebidanan contoh proposal artikel terbaru 2009 2010 termurah download free gratis pdf d3 d-3 d iii iv D III lengkap tentang kehamilan persalinan menopause kb bblr inisiasi menyusui dini imunisasi asi eksklusif nifas postpartum contoh judul proposal skripsi tugas akhir s1 keperawatan terbaru ui anak keluarga bedah gerontik pdf kti karya tulis ilmiah diploma 3 d3 keperawatan pembuatan

Bunga Rosela
27 May 2011, 7:21 pm

Umumnya masyarakat mengenal rosela (Hisbiscus sabdariffa L.) sebagai bahan karung goni. Namun kejayaan karung dari serat alam sudah pudar. Dari segi kesehatan, ternyata rosela mempunyai manfaat untuk pencegahan penyakit. Bunga rosela berguna untuk mencegah penyakit kanker dan radang, mengendalikan tekanan darah, melancarkan peredaran darah dan melancarkan buang air besar. Kelopak bunga rosela dapat diambil sebagai bahan minuman segar berupa sirup dan teh, selai dan minuman, terutama dari tanaman yang berkelopak bunga tebal (juicy). Kelopak bunga tersebut mengandung vitamin C, vitamin A, dan asam amino. Asam amino yang diperlukan tubuh, 18 diantaranya terdapat dalam kelopak bunga rosela, termasuk arginin dan legnin yang berperan dalam proses peremajaan sel tubuh. Selain itu, rosela juga mengandung protein dan kalsium.

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Baca Selengkapnya - Bunga Rosela Mahkota Dewa


Mahkota Dewa
27 May 2011, 7:16 pm

Dunia tanaman obat kini kedatangan pendatang baru yang lumayan hebat. Mahkota dewa namanya. Ia bisa membuat penderita penyakit ringan macam gatal-gatal, pegal-pegal, atau flu, hingga penyakit...

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Baca Selengkapnya - Mahkota Dewa 9 tips mengatasi stress di tempat kerja


9 tips mengatasi stress di tempat kerja
27 May 2011, 7:20 pm

Hal-hal ini dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan fisik dan mental seperti : depresi, gelisah, gugup, tidak dapat fokus untuk waktu yang lama dan keletihan yang berkepanjangan. Jika ada hal-hal...

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Baca Selengkapnya - 9 tips mengatasi stress di tempat kerja Bunga Rosela


Bunga Rosela
27 May 2011, 7:21 pm

Umumnya masyarakat mengenal rosela (Hisbiscus sabdariffa L.) sebagai bahan karung goni. Namun kejayaan karung dari serat alam sudah pudar. Dari segi kesehatan, ternyata rosela mempunyai manfaat...

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Baca Selengkapnya - Bunga Rosela Kumis Kucing


Kumis Kucing
27 May 2011, 7:20 pm

Kumis kucing (Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS) berbentuk semak, batangnya basah, tingginya bisa mencapai 1,5 meter itu. Bisa tumbuh di tempat yang kering maupun basah pada ketinggian 700 meter di atas...

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Baca Selengkapnya - Kumis Kucing 10 Hal yang harus dihindari setelah makan


10 Hal yang harus dihindari setelah makan
27 May 2011, 7:22 pm

Kita tentu sepakat bahwa kesehatanmerupakan aset terbesar yang kita miliki dalam hidup ini. Tanpa kesehatan maka aktifitas apapun pastinya tak akan dapat dilakukan dengan baik. Makanan yang sehat...

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Baca Selengkapnya - 10 Hal yang harus dihindari setelah makan



Bascom World
All about Healthy Education: Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Asuhan Kebidanan, Asuhan Keperawatan, Teori Kesehatan, Kumpulan Tips Kesehatan, Bisnis Online, Leaflet Kesehatan, Info Penyakit, Obat Tradisional, informasi terbaru, free download dll.

27 May 2011, 2:50 pm

Kerangka dan arah yang dipilih dan digunakan oleh komponen teknis, guna mencapai sasaran/target secara efisien dan efektif

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Baca Selengkapnya - Bascom World: STRATEGI TEKNIS

Bascom World: STUDI KASUS


Bascom World
All about Healthy Education: Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Asuhan Kebidanan, Asuhan Keperawatan, Teori Kesehatan, Kumpulan Tips Kesehatan, Bisnis Online, Leaflet Kesehatan, Info Penyakit, Obat Tradisional, informasi terbaru, free download dll.

27 May 2011, 2:51 pm

Cara penyampaian pelajaran dengan cara pengajar memberikan suatu kasus tentang situasi kehidupan nyata yang kemudian dianalisa oleh peserta untuk diambil kesimpulan pemecahan masalahnya

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Baca Selengkapnya - Bascom World: STUDI KASUS

Bascom World: STROMA (GOITER)


Bascom World
All about Healthy Education: Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Asuhan Kebidanan, Asuhan Keperawatan, Teori Kesehatan, Kumpulan Tips Kesehatan, Bisnis Online, Leaflet Kesehatan, Info Penyakit, Obat Tradisional, informasi terbaru, free download dll.

27 May 2011, 2:50 pm

Pembesaran kelenjar gondok

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Baca Selengkapnya - Bascom World: STROMA (GOITER)

Bascom World: SUB PPKBD


Bascom World
All about Healthy Education: Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Asuhan Kebidanan, Asuhan Keperawatan, Teori Kesehatan, Kumpulan Tips Kesehatan, Bisnis Online, Leaflet Kesehatan, Info Penyakit, Obat Tradisional, informasi terbaru, free download dll.

27 May 2011, 2:51 pm

Adalah seseorang atau beberapa orang kader dalam wadah organisasi yang secara sukarela berperan aktif melaksanakan/mengelola program keluarga berencana nasional di tingkat dusun/RW

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27 May 2011, 2:50 pm

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Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran: The Inauguration of Pediatrics Department


Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

The Inauguration of Pediatrics Department
23 May 2011, 7:20 am


There were 2 inauguration events during the week. The first one is the inauguration of internal medicine department which was held on Wednesday 19 May 2011 at the 5th floor of Internal Medicine Department. And the second one is the inauguration of Pediatrics Department on Thursday 20 May 2011 at the Conference room of the 3rd floor of Pediatrics Department of the Faculty and Hasan Sadikin Hospital Jalan Pasteur 38 Bandung

It was a great moment when UNPAD has successfully inaugurated the six specialists in Pediatrics: Ineu Nopita, dr., Kartikaningsih, dr., Putria Rayani, dr., Nadya Leifina, dr., Zuraida Prameswari, dr., and Edi Pasaribu, dr.,

Head of the Pediatrics Department Prof Nanan Sekarwana, dr, SpAk, MARS explained in his speech that the graduate were also proud for their successful result when they got A in the national exam. Prof  the end of to the public. The Dean has underlined his statement  that graduation day is not the end of our competence capacity abilities for us to serve well, but it is is the main thing to face challenges of various health problems in the world as well as the medical technology development

The inauguration was attended by The Dean of the Faculty  Dekan Prof. Dr. med. Tri Hanggono Achmad, dr, The Coordinator of Specialist Doctors Education Program Prof. Alex Chairulfatah, dr., Sp.AK, Head of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Department  Prof. Dr. Nanan Sekarwana, dr.,Sp.AK MARS., The Executive Director of Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bayu Wahyudi, dr.,SpOG.MPHM, professors of the Pediatrics Department, parents and families of the graduates, and other guests

Members of the faculty congratulate the graduates and wish they will have their successful career in the near future

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Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran: Professional position as just an administration function


Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Professional position as just an administration function
18 May 2011, 8:46 am


That was one of some important messages which had been explained by Januarsih Iwan A.Rachman, dr, MS when she delivered her speech at the gathering on the continuity of the vice dean responsibilities of the Faculty of Medicine UNPAD. She said  that the end of the administration position process as Vice Dean of Student Affairs and Cooperation will not stop her willingness to serve and to improve the education quality of the faculty

In the other hand her colleague – Prof Dr.Endang Sutedja, dr, SpKK-K said the end of his position as Vice Dean FOR Academic Affairs will give him a chance to go back for his clinical service as well as to deliver the specialist education in his department

As its appreciation for their responsibilities and dedication during these years, the faculty gave them gold pins as a symbol that both of them has participated in the education quality improvement of the faculty. The new Vice Deans of Academic Affairs Dr.Oki Suwarsa, dr, SpKK, Dr.Gaga Irawan Nugraha, dr, SpGK, MGizi and Hussein S.Kartamihardja, dr, SpKN, MHKes also gave them books as the symbol long life education that will bring the knowledge internal as well as external the campus

The gathering was held on Saturday 14 May 2011 which was purposed as a farewell and thanks to Prof Endang and dr.Januarsih for their hardworks. The warm and touchy event  was held at the auditorium hall of UNPAD- RSHS Teaching Hospital at the second floor of Jalan Eijkman 38 Bandung

The farewell event was held in a little different environment compared to previous farewell tradition of the faculty, because this time the event was not only a ceremonial moments but more than that, it was full of meaningful messages, motivations and energizing notes. As told by the Dean of the Faculty that everybody should realized the position as vice dean is more as handling the responsibilities not just having the power. There was also a religious motivation speech by the Rector of Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah – Prof Komaruddin Hidayat, MA

Another surprises came up at the end of the event which were presented by the students from the undergraduate program, professional program as well as the specialist program . They presented their impressions for their leadership, some of the students cried for their deeply feelings of the farewell with Prof Endang and dr Januarsih

All of those remind us that a professional appointment and farewell is a normal process that should give us motivations to work with all of our best, not only for ourselves but the most important thing is we work for our dedication to others. We have to believe that the new leadership of the faculty will bring us to a better future

All of the faculty members thank Prof Endang and dr.Januarsih for their dedications and hopefully God will always bless them, and to the new vice deans congratulate for their new positions, good luck and best wishes!

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Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran: Announcement for the postqualification general re-bidding


Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Announcement for the postqualification general re-bidding
23 May 2011, 2:42 am

No: .1938/H6.7.1.5/FK/LK/2011


ULP Working group of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran would like to arrange the Postqualification General Re-Bidding for  a procurement package with the following details:



Description of the working package





Medical laboratories practice supplies procurement for the education purposes of the Faculty of Medicine UNPAD

Rp. 1.647.544.456


Funded by DIPA BLU Universitas Padjadjaran for the fiscal year of 2011


  1. Participants requirements

The procurement package will be opened for all suppliers who have the requirements and permit as small trading company

  1. Procurement venue

Ement service Unit room – UNPAD Teaching Hospital 6th floor, Jalan Eijkman 38 Bandung

  1. Procurement schedule:

a. Details explanation           : 26 May 2011

b. Offering submission         : 27 May s.d. 2 June 2011

c. Offering commencement   : 2 June 2011

  1. During the offering registration, companies could be represented by their staffs who have the official appointment letter by the company's executive director, company's executive board/head of branch and having the ID card
  2. Company's representative is not allowed to represent more than 1 company when his/her company apply to this procurement process
  3. Procurement documents are available to be downloaded through this website:


Bandung, 20 May 2011


The Working Group of ULP




Unduh Dokumen: Dokumen Lelang Komputer, Laptop, Printer_FK UNPAD


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Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran: Patent Rights for UNPAD brand


Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Patent Rights for UNPAD brand
24 May 2011, 3:09 am


Cultural pirating and stealing nowadays has open our eyes on the important of the patents right, that has been realized by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights which protects the intellectual property through Intellectual Property Rights and Patent(HAKI)

It  has been explained by the General Director of Intellectual Property Rights  Prof. Dr. Ahmad M. Ramli, SH., MH., FCBArb., when  he was a speaker at the socialization of HAKI at Jalan Eijkman 38 Bandung

He explained no one will free from HAKI, HAKI will make your life easier, comfortable and efficient. HAKI will also improve the safety and creative industry, marco creativity as well as its function as investments

In the same occasion  an official patent certificate of UNPAD brand was presented. Now the brand has a legal power. The certificate was presented by the HAKI Director General to the Rector of UNPAD  Prof. Ir. Ganjar Kurnia, DEA.

Through his speech the Rector has underlined UNPAD commitment to build the creative culture

of UNPAD  which will improve the HAKI recognition that by the end will bring the image of UNPAD  in the international environment. During these years the research paradigm are always in their scientific characteristics and laboratories world. This should be changed to a more simple innovations which came up  from a highly creativity that has its useful values for the public. Through his personal point of view, the Rector wishes that innovation culture will be developed in Indonesia just like in China that we can found its products everywhere and hopefully it will be also started from UNPAD Campus

Besides the UNPAD brand —– a copy right certificate has been given  to Dr.Ristaniah D.Soetikno, dr, SpRad(K), M.Kes for her scientific writing entitled " Penyangatan Citra Resonanso Magnetik Tumor Otak Glioma Tikus dengan Menggunakan Senyawa Pengontras GD-DTPA-Dendrimer-Antibodi Anti-EGFR".

Another  copy right certificate has been given to Dr.Sutarya Enus, dr, SpM(K), M.Kes  for his scientific writings entitled  "Expresi Gen fibronektrin dan Integrin pada Mata Kelinci. "

There was also an award for simple patent with the invention entitled "  "Klem Pengencang pada Alat Fiksasi Eksterna untuk Menyambung Tulang Patah"  to Dr. Hermawan Nagar Rasyid, dr., SpOT(K)., MT(BME), Ph.D., FICS.


The Scientific Research  and Patent that manage the Faculty of Medicine researches has brought magnificent progress for the HAKI and Patent application to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, even some researches as told by  Prof. Dr. Sofie R. Krisnadi, dr., SpOG-K as head of the unit


Hopefully the recognition  of  property rights and patent for some researches of the faculty of medicine UNPAD will motivate the whole faculty members to do researches and creativity that protected by HAKI and Patent

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Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran: Internal medicine inauguration


Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Internal medicine inauguration
19 May 2011, 4:03 am


It's really a grateful moment when the faculty has successfully  inaugurated  4 internal medicine specialists:  Kapten CKM Haikal Mufid Hamid, dr., Misriani, dr., Vivien Maryam, dr., and Tony Darmadi, dr.

The inauguration as internal medicine specialists was held on Thursday 18 May 2011 at the fifth floor of Internal Medicine Department Jalan Pasteur 38 Bandung

The event was attended by the dean of the faculty, the executive director of Hasan Sadikin Hospital, representative of Specialist Doctor Program Coordinator, the department professors, academic as well as non academic members of the faculty, parents and families of the graduates and other guests

The faculty members congratulate the graduates and wish them all the best for their future career

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Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran: Sumpah Dokter Gelombang III Tahun Akademik 2010/2011


Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Sumpah Dokter Gelombang III Tahun Akademik 2010/2011
27 May 2011, 5:44 am

Hari Rabu (25/5/2011) merupakan hari bersejarah bagi ke 24 orang dokter baru beserta keluarganya. Diantara 24 orang yang diambil sumpahnya kali ini 11 orang adalah warga Negara Malaysia, ke 24 orang tersebut terdiri dari 10 orang pria dan 14 orang wanita dan juga terdiri dari 13 orang agama Islam, 3 orang agama Protestan, 1 orang agama Katolik, 6 orang agama Hindu dan 1 orang agama Budha, pada hari itu mereka diambil sumpah untuk mendedikasikan seluruh ilmu juga hidupnya bagi kemanusiaan. Kini mereka dapat mengabdikan diri pada bangsa, Negara dan agama baik sebagai pribadi maupun profesi dokter.

Acara berlangsung pada pukul 13.00 di lantai 6 gedung Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Unpad-RSHS jalan Eyckman 38 Bandung setelah melaksanakan wisuda pada pagi hari nya di jalan Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung. Acara sumpah dokter tersebut dihadiri oleh dekan, sekretaris senat, anggota senat, para guru besar, dinas kesehatan yang bekerja sama dengan FK Unpad dan juga keluarga dari para dokter baru, prosesi sumpah dokter berjalan dengan khidmat.

Ketua Program Studi P3D Fakultas Kedokteran Unpad  Bogi Suseno, dr., Sp.THT.KL dalam laporannya mengatakan bahwa jumlah keseluruhan alumni Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran hingga saat ini adalah 6618 orang dokter dengan rincian : lulus tahun 1965 sampai dengan Februari 2011 berjumlah 6594 dan lulus bulan Mei 2011 berjumlah 24 orang dokter maka jumlah keseluruhannya adalah 6618 orang dokter.

Seluruh civitas akademika FK Unpad mengucapkan selamat kepada para lulusan, semoga sukses dalam setiap perjalanan dan semoga dapat mengaplikasikan ilmu bagi kemaslahatan masyarakat.

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Baca Selengkapnya - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran: Sumpah Dokter Gelombang III Tahun Akademik 2010/2011

Musix mix: The Mountain Dulcimer, An Appalachian Tradition Since the 1800’s


Musix mix
Music News and Reference

The Mountain Dulcimer, An Appalachian Tradition Since the 1800's
27 May 2011, 5:15 am

The Mountain, or Appalachian Dulcimer first appeared in the United States in the early 1800’s in the southern Appalachian mountains. The Scots-Irish settlers were the ones to introduce it. It is in the Zither family, although it is not played by hammering the strings, as is the tradition with these other types of instruments. Rather, it is strummed like a guitar. It was commonly used as a parlor instrument, due to its limited volume and pleasing tone, and was common at many family gatherings.

There are several varieties of Dulcimer, although most have the same shape, made of the same materials, and have the same number of strings. Tuning varies though, depending on the tradition of music played, and whether the song is in Major or Minor keys. Traditionally, it is strung with anywhere from 2 to 12 strings (in courses/ groups of 2), and is usually played by placing the Dulcimer on ones lap, strumming and/or plucking the strings with one hand, and fretting with the other. The finer examples are made from wood, which produce the more desired tones, although various materials have been used, such as plastic and even cardboard.

The Appalachian dulcimer achieved a renaissance in the 1950s urban folk music revival in the United States. Musicians such as Jean Ritchie, a Kentucky musician who introduced the instrument to New York City audiences, have been credited for this. Then in the 1960s, the American folk musician Richard Fariña (1937–1966) became the first to utilize an Appalachian dulcimer in a less traditional way. He pointed out its similarity in tone to some Middle Eastern and Asian instruments, such as the Zither. There are many styles performed by modern dulcimer musicians, including traditional folk music and other popular and experimental forms, although most perform in more or less traditional dulcimer styles. More recently, musicians such as Lindsay Buckland, Bing Futch, Butch Ross and Quintin Stephens have contributed to the popularity of the solid-body electric dulcimer, which has gained popularity due to its more approachable and modern sound. Additionally, the amplification of these electric versions allow the musician to be heard with the rest of the band. Dulcimer festivals now take place regularly in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Ireland, as the Appalachian dulcimer has achieved a rather large following in a number of countries. The Dulcimer has also become a popular instrument for music teachers, due to relative ease in mastering the basics, as well as its relatively low cost to acquire.

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Musix mix: How to Select Wedding Bands For Wedding Entertainment


Musix mix
Music News and Reference

How to Select Wedding Bands For Wedding Entertainment
27 May 2011, 5:15 am

There is no doubt about it marriage is one of the hardest occasions to plan. There are so many things that need to be considered. To make your wedding entertainment more exciting, one thing that will play a very important part is the use of wedding bands. There are a lot of cover bands for weddings that are available in any city and with a little basic research you will easily find the best live music band to suit your tastes. With the advent of the internet, this will make the job particularly easy, and there is no better way than via a reputable and established entertainment agency.

Marriage is also one of the most memorable occasions in anybody’s life and couples are constantly trying to find ways in which the entertainment for a wedding will make their day as memorable as possible. One way to add joy to the occasion is hire a band. The choice of the style of wedding music completely depends on the tastes of the couple. Popular genres include, rock, pop, indie, jazz, swing, jive, tribute, Latin, salsa, Irish, ceilidh / ceili or even specifically themed from an era, such as 1960s bands, 1970s bands, 1980s bands or a mix of them all! With wonderful wedding bands performing at your wedding party, the entire ambience of the wedding actually changes.

Also, the tradition of hiring tribute bands is becoming increasingly popular. The Internet contains the details of all the bands to hire that perform for all events, including marriages and other parties. The live music bands are fun and party bands will add a wow factor to any wedding. If you think that you are not good at planning various kinds of parties, then one thing that you can do is to get in touch with your friends who have already hired a wedding bands. Your friends will be able to offer you some fantastic advice. If you need further advice or help then have a look for a reputable entertainment agency in your area as they will have some great contacts in the music industry and be able to provide quality acts at competitive prices.

It is crucial that you do the proper research in order to find a professional, reliable and above all amazing live band for hire. Another important thing couple’s do when arranging band hire is to make all the arrangements regarding the party or event in plenty of time. A recommended party band will always be booked up for key dates in the event calendar well in advance so remember to get booking a band early! Last minute planning of these things may ultimately spoil the whole preparation procedure and mean you have to settle for a band that is your second, or, even third choice. With these things in mind, your marriage will definitely be the most memorable day in your life!

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Baca Selengkapnya - Musix mix: How to Select Wedding Bands For Wedding Entertainment Pandan


27 May 2011, 4:18 am

Deskripsi: Pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius) biasa dipakai untuk memberi aroma wangi pada makanan. Selain itu juga sebagai pewarna hijau alami. Fungsi pandan ternyata tak sebatas itu, pandan juga...

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Baca Selengkapnya - Pandan Serai


27 May 2011, 4:18 am

Deskripsi: Terkadang serai (Cymbopogon nardus) dipakai sebagai bumbu masakan. Tumbuhan ini memiliki aroma dan rasa khas, pedas dan menyengat. Tumbuhan liar yang bisa dibudidayakan ini bermanfaat...

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Baca Selengkapnya - Serai Ceremai


27 May 2011, 4:19 am

Deskripsi: Ceremai (Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels) memiliki buah yang rasanya masam. Para ahli percaya bahwa tumbuhan ini berasal dari Asia Selatan dan menyebar ke Asia Tenggara. Tumbuhan ini...

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Baca Selengkapnya - Ceremai Serai

KTI SKRIPSI KEBIDANAN KEPERAWATAN kumpulan koleksi karya tulis ilmiah kuliah bidan akbid asuhan judul skripsi kti kebidanan contoh proposal artikel terbaru 2009 2010 termurah download free gratis pdf d3 d-3 d iii iv D III lengkap tentang kehamilan persalinan menopause kb bblr inisiasi menyusui dini imunisasi asi eksklusif nifas postpartum contoh judul proposal skripsi tugas akhir s1 keperawatan terbaru ui anak keluarga bedah gerontik pdf kti karya tulis ilmiah diploma 3 d3 keperawatan pembuatan

27 May 2011, 4:18 am

Terkadang serai (Cymbopogon nardus) dipakai sebagai bumbu masakan. Tumbuhan ini memiliki aroma dan rasa khas, pedas dan menyengat. Tumbuhan liar yang bisa dibudidayakan ini bermanfaat bagi kesehatan, terutama kandungan minyak atsiri yang dimilikinya.

- mintak atsiri
- citronnelal
- geraniol
- sitral
- eugenol
- kadine
- kadinol

Serai secara tradisional dapat menyembuhkan beberapa penyakit dan gejala, antara lain:
- nyeri
- batuk
- kelelahan.

Sumber: disarikan dari berbagai sumber.

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Baca Selengkapnya - Serai